




adult Individual & Couples Counseling

Each person has unique needs. With a focus on healing, I specialize in couples counseling, counseling for depression & anxiety, crisis intervention, grief counseling, and end-of-life planning.


Individual Therapy 

You've heard it before: "The only constant in life is change." But why does it have to be so hard? Careers change, our loved ones leave, our relationships stumble, and we make the same mistakes over again. The fact is that we are all still growing toward our authentic selves. We can learn from our mistakes and bounce back from even the worst setbacks. 

Individual therapy is tailored to your needs. Sessions may span a period as short as three weeks or last up to one year, with an average span of three to six months. 



Couples Counseling 

You could see your partner's quirks when you first met, so why have they suddenly become a stumbling block in your relationship? The woman you couldn't wait to marry, the man who made your heart skip a beat—that person is still there. Couples counseling can reintroduce you to the person you fell in love with and introduce you to the new love of your life.

Couples counseling focuses on increasing communication skills, identifying your needs in the relationship, and intensifying your emotional connection with your partner.



Depression & Anxiety

Many people with depression do a great job hiding. We fake smiles, avoid social events, and tell friends and family, "I'm just tired." But the dark cloud overhead doesn't go away and instead threatens to consume your life. Hiding your depression—or the anxiety that often accompanies it—can increase the intensity of your symptoms and lead you to the false belief that you're all alone. You're not.

Counseling for people experiencing depression and/or anxiety is first and foremost supportive. You have been living with these feelings for a long time by yourself, and you need a partner to help you fight back. Come out from hiding in a safe environment where you can get the support and understanding you're looking for. 

Crisis Intervention

When it rains, it pours. You're moving through your life as usual, and then one day the sky falls. However banged up and bruised the extraordinary events in your life have left you, there is hope. Strength is found in adversity. Let's find it together and harness its power.

Crisis comes in many different shapes and sizes. We all experience crisis in our lives, the expected and the unexpected. Each event is unique and deserves to be fully understood.



Grief Counseling

The loss of a loved one can be overwhelming—even for the most composed person. Grief can lead to a multitude of sometimes conflicting emotions. Kubler-Ross identifies five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. How and in what order we face each stage is personal to each one of us experiencing bereavement.  

Grief counseling focuses on providing emotional support, comfort, coping skills, and information about the grieving process to help you through your journey.


End-of-Life Planning

Do you ever worry about what will happen when you're gone? Most of us do, but we don't talk about it. The mere thought of one's own death can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. Talking with a therapist experienced in the issues of death and dying is a good place to start. 

End-of-life-planning is an essential step to ease fears and ensure that loved ones know your wishes. Family and friends don't have to guess what you would have wanted.